Monday, April 11, 2011

Container Gardening......

It's that time of year again.

I'm trying to figure out what to plant and where to plant it! We've had all of the mulch and old landscaping fabric removed. My hubby wouldn't let me 'play' in my flowers last year. When I had pneumonia, a common fungus was also found in my lungs. They said it is found in mulch. So----he has banned mulch.

My solution to all of this is to use different containers to plant my flowers, annuals and perinneals. Do any of you have this type of flower gardens? I have scoured the internet, books and stores looking for ideas. There are soooooo many containers out there!

At first, I thought I would use the wooden barrel type of containers and line them with landscaping fabric before adding the soil. Now? I've seen so many types of containers that I'm confused. Should I use fiberglass? Plastic? Metal? Wooden?

Nothing is ever easy!!!! We get nothing but sun all day long, so I will have to give some thought to the material the containers are made from. Metal would most likely get too hot and cause an artificial 'drought' to any plants! Actually, I will have this problem with most containers I have looked at. So, I will have to give some thought to insulation and watering the plants.

What are you planning for your gardens this year? Do you food garden? Or, like me, do you hit the farmers markets for fruits and veggies? I am only brave enough to flower garden.....but I don't feel guilt over it. I feed butterflies, hummingbirds, bees and birds with my flower I still contribute!! :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Cleaning

It's that time of year when our grandmother's voice speaks to our heart, mind and soul....."You must "spring clean"! What does that mean? I think this was the time of year when windows were washed, storm windows removed and screens put in their place. Well.....most of us don't have to worry about that chore (*whew*) so I am thinking of what other tasks should be completed. One task that no one should overlook is to change out or clean your HVAC (furnace/air) filter. I am completely guilty of forgetting that area....and it's important in my house with 4 kitty-cats and 2 dogs! Fur will clog that filter sooooo fast and then your HVAC system loses its efficiency ! I do think washing windows---inside and out---is a fabulous idea! In theory. I really do! So, if you have the time or the energy-----have at it! And while you're at it.....would you like to head on over to my house and do mine?? Another important (and timely) item is to check and change the batteries in your smoke alarms! This is something that should be done in the fall and spring. Just an easy way to "schedule" (and remember) this lifesaving task. Speaking of fire thing most of us never think of is the dryer and the vent system. This is one area of GREAT concern! Lint can become trapped or build up, creating a serious fire hazard in the home. You can buy Vent Trap (and hose) cleaning systems at Lowe's or Home Depot----any hardware store in your local area. Or, if you're like me, shop online! Here's a link to and their page of cleaning systems. Other than the above tasks, I feel that Spring Cleaning means to deep clean your home, organize, stow away all remains (and evidence) of winter, and ready the house and family for the warmer weather. And that is exciting enough for me! I will gladly jump into the foray of cleaning products, Rubbermaid storage containers, glass/window cleaners, mops and brooms!! BRING ON SUMMER!!!! For me and my home, we will be ready!! I hope you will "happy dance" in the sun and warmth with me!!!!