Friday, January 20, 2012

Craft Room Completion!!!

Here it is.....TA DA!!!! My office/craft room has been decluttered, reorganized and repainted!!
From one of my most favorite blog/shop, I got the beautiful ombre wreath for the door to my office. {Also the beautiful clay 'tags' that hang from wreath} You REALLY should check out Linda's blog and her shop.
So, we'll start the photo 'tour' off with some views of the wreath and door......

I love how this wreath looks....and it just reminds me to be happy and creative upon entering!!

I love the added tags to remind me of the importance of dreaming, loving and finding my joy!!

So, this is a shot of the computer area....I don't "decorate" too much in that area, as the hubby uses this area a lot. So, I try to keep it as clutter free as *possible*!!

This is a photo of the scrapbook & crafting area. I bought the jars and bottles to organize the "stuff" that was floating around in some of the drawers!

This is a larger view of the crafting area.....remember what it looked like in the *before*?? Here it is......


I used a pants-hanger that I had in my closet to organize ribbon and tape! Easy to get to, easy to return to it's 'proper' place!

Created my own "art" to hang on the walls....favorite sayings and motivational words! Much needed with my current goals and aspirations! (Nice blue wall color, eh??)

With these homemade "prints", I can change them out and create new ones as needed! CHEAP DIY!!!

This one was fun to create....using different fonts and some clip art! I saw one *sorta-kinda* like this, but some of the words didn't apply to me, so I created my own! {You can, too!!}

The closet has been *mostly* took me forever to go through all of the scrapbook paper and "catagorize" it~~~according to color, striped, patterned, etc... {And, yes, Daisy is investigating!!}

Scrapbook "packet" projects and 'notebooks' of scrapbook papers.

Loose, but, organized scrapbook paper....if I buy ANYMORE paper, I could open up my own store. ~GEESH~

Also, note the new wall color!! A softer blue!! The chair is awaiting reupholstery....I have the fabric and now I have the *space* needed to work on it! YAY!!!

So, there is my promise to myself and ~the hubster~ that this room WOULD get done! It was just ONE of my resolutions for the New Year.

How are you doing with YOUR resolutions?? Any luck in sticking to them? This was actually one of my resolutions last year! So~~I feel pretty good about completing it!

BTW~~Here is how my crafting area looks tonight....I'm working on a wedding project~~~{for a friend}.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Confusion & Clutter in the Craft Room

Here we go.....
Time for me to 'fess up and show you the utter chaos that has been the Craft Room/Office. After school, home improvement projects, scrapbooking and Christmas crafting~~I am embarrassed to share this with you all, but I know that we all have our "secret" mess!
My promise to myself and to my hubby was that I WOULD organize and clean this room, so that it is a usable space~~~~NOT an overgrown-closet or storage room.
The following are my "before" photos. I am about 3/4 of the way finished and will post a new blog when the room is complete!!
Upon opening the door, you are greeted with the above!
This is "supposed" to be my crafting counter...*ahem*....not so much, eh??
And this area is supposed to be the computer/office work-area.
Paint cans, paint supplies, empty boxes, etc....cover the floor!
I'm so excited about the progress I've is going to be the big day where I actually paint some. I love the chocolate brown on the computer & craft counter walls, but I have never cared for the 'goldish' color on the window & closet walls. So, I'm going to paint over those!!
Wish me LUCK!!!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Paper Flowers

The Christmas decorations have been put away, so it's time to think of what to do with the foyer table! {again}

I decided to create my own 'art' and make some paper flowers out of extra tissue paper left from wrapping Christmas gifts. {we ALL have that, right??}
To start, I cut the paper into strips, about 3-4" wide.....

Starting at one end, I folded the paper~~~

Fold the paper all the way to the end, cutting off any excess that is left. Trim the end into an oval, a "point", or you can create many cuts in the end of the paper. You then begin rolling and scrunching it together to create the flower petals. {This took practice for me!!}

Once I had the shape I wanted, I twisted the leftover end, creating a "stem" and wrapped tape around it to hold it.

I created different shapes by making different cuts at the end of the folded paper. Here is a 'rose'......

Here is how the table is looking....

Yesterday, I started adding some red roses to the arrangement....still not sure if I like it. What is your opinion??

Monday, January 2, 2012