Sunday, February 24, 2013

Spring Wreath

I don't know about y'all, but I'm MORE than ready for the warmer weather to arrive & stay!

So, during my surgical-recovery-boredom, I made my own wreath!  I follow several blogs~~and these talented ladies make it look so easy!

Actually, it's NOT hard to do....I just have to let my need for perfection (*read OCD*) take a bit of a break.  'Cause, me and ribbon aren't exactly the best of friends!

So, here's a few pictures of my very first experience in "Wreath Creating"~~~~~  I don't have my own private photographer, so the "determined ribbon wrapper" in me, FORGOT to take photos of that step!!  BUT---it's pretty self-explanatory.  Just wrap and glue!

I found these "clip-on" daisies at Michaels...I like that I can remove them, and/or change them out!!

Such a cute little blue bird!  She also clips on!! (Michaels)
Here are the 3 clip-on daisies~~~Blue & Green!!
I found an unpainted "Welcome" set of wired-together letters, also at Michaels.  I painted them blue & green, from acrylic paints I already had.  Then, used the end of my paint brush to create white "polka dots"!

I used my calendar holder (magneted to the side of the refrigerator) to hang "Welcome" and let it dry!  I also sprayed it with a sealer, since it'll hang on my front door.
There it is hanging on my front door!  I have a screen/storm door, so it stays out of the elements---except for the morning sun!  She's not "perfect", but I love the splash of color on the dark color....which we are planning on changing this late spring!!!!!