Sunday, February 24, 2013

Spring Wreath

I don't know about y'all, but I'm MORE than ready for the warmer weather to arrive & stay!

So, during my surgical-recovery-boredom, I made my own wreath!  I follow several blogs~~and these talented ladies make it look so easy!

Actually, it's NOT hard to do....I just have to let my need for perfection (*read OCD*) take a bit of a break.  'Cause, me and ribbon aren't exactly the best of friends!

So, here's a few pictures of my very first experience in "Wreath Creating"~~~~~  I don't have my own private photographer, so the "determined ribbon wrapper" in me, FORGOT to take photos of that step!!  BUT---it's pretty self-explanatory.  Just wrap and glue!

I found these "clip-on" daisies at Michaels...I like that I can remove them, and/or change them out!!

Such a cute little blue bird!  She also clips on!! (Michaels)
Here are the 3 clip-on daisies~~~Blue & Green!!
I found an unpainted "Welcome" set of wired-together letters, also at Michaels.  I painted them blue & green, from acrylic paints I already had.  Then, used the end of my paint brush to create white "polka dots"!

I used my calendar holder (magneted to the side of the refrigerator) to hang "Welcome" and let it dry!  I also sprayed it with a sealer, since it'll hang on my front door.
There it is hanging on my front door!  I have a screen/storm door, so it stays out of the elements---except for the morning sun!  She's not "perfect", but I love the splash of color on the dark color....which we are planning on changing this late spring!!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Guest Bathroom "New" Wall....

~~During my weeks of recovery from my surgery....I've had LOTS of time to peruse other blogs, decorating websites, stores, e-zines, etc.....~~
I love the gray color in our guest bathroom, but didn't loooooooove the tea light holder that I had on the wall above the commode.
So, I ordered these wall vinyls.  Now, I'm not a big fan of all the 'wordy' wall vinyls~~not at other homes I've been in, just for mine.  Having said that, I love how these vinyls look in my bathroom!  Take a look.......

This is a SMALL bathroom, so pictures are always a challenge....I promise they're on my walls straight, even and gorgeous, no matter how they appear in the photo!!

I added a couple of the "leftovers" to the small wall right-of-the-door.  I really like how just these inexpensive (and removable) additions make me like this little room, once again!!

A different angle  to show you how lovely these are!!  {At least I think so!}
If you're interested in purchasing these for yourself (or someone you know) here's a link:

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Paper Quilt Blocks.....

**I actually completed this project several months ago.  I had started this blog, but as life goes, I didn't get time to finish it.  So, here it is~~better late than never.

I was able to *score* a large, old window pane from a friend's used furniture shop....for a whoppin' $5.00!!!

$5.00 Bargain!
I pondered what to actually do with it.....fill it with photos?  Fabrics?  Prints?  And I found a great idea on Pinterest.  I saw paper quilt blocks put together to form a full paper quilt. after researching different quilt block patterns, I chose ones I wanted to use and began cutting, measuring, and gluing scrapbook paper.
Completed Quilt Block

Once I completed the different paper quilt blocks, I had to decide on a lay out, what paper to use as a 'backing' and what little details I should add to each block.
I chose a Burlap-look paper for the backing
The burlap scrapbook paper was complimentary and wouldn't compete with the blocks themselves.
I added some fun tape and ribbons to the edge of the blocks
I love to use the different fun tapes that are available for so many different projects.  So, it was a first choice for this project.
My Assistant
Yes, as always, in my house you will be surrounded by one furbaby or another.  Roxy decided that I needed help holding the blocks in place as I arranged and rearranged them.
I used the kitchen floor to figure out the layout
This took a bit of deciding....hard for such an indecisive person!!
There....I think I like it

Once I felt ok with the layout, I then had to place them in each window pane.....
The finished product
Let me tell you....this puppy is BIG!  I had it hanging in our bedroom for a while, but now, it's in one of the hallways....leading to my craft room, the guest bathroom and the master suite.
Looking towards my craft room door
(The ombre wreath on the door is from  Check out Linda's shop and blog!!)
Towards the front door and foyer
I loved the age & condition of the window frame
A close up of two squares
This was a fun project to tackle!  A friend gave me another window that she had purchased when I got's smaller, but matches exactly.  Came from the same house remodel.  So~~~Who knows what I'll do with it!

Valentine's Day Card for 2013

Just ordered our Valentine's Day card from Shutterfly....

I just LOVE this site.  I order prints, cards, address labels, photo books and many more personalized items.

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.